What relaxes one does not relax another. How do you relax in Afghanistan? After a 16 hour day in over 100 degree heat, dirt, and all of the elements of a combat zone? For some music is relaxing, While for others friendship is the key, to find peace and glory.
We can relax, only after.. All the work is done, All the battles of life are fought...And all the glories of life are won.
Hi Robert,
I'm glad to see that you are looking well. We civilians can not fathom the deplorable conditions and mental and physical stress/strain that those of you who have selflessly and tirelessly given of yourselves to serve and protect your country must endure. I'm certain relaxation seems unattainable at this moment....a mirage in the desert, so to speak. However, I pray that you find solace in knowing that I, along with countless others, appreciate all that you do. Don't get me wrong, I do wish that you were on US soil...I think that would be a tad bit safer:-). However, since life's path has lead you to your current "residence", take some comfort in knowing that the selflessness of you and your fellow soldiers is a gift to us...to preserve our safety and freedom, what a gift. Words cannot express my gratitude. I do pray that upon your safe return, you do find some time to physically and mentally unwind. Until then, stay safe and peace be with you.
Oops, please pardon my mistake..."led you to your current "residence"...."-Nina
Hey Rob, glad to see you are adjusting and making the most of the situations you find yourself in. Relish the moments and take the lessons you learn everywhere you go for the rest of your life. We've been celebrating birthdays all weekend. Granny turned 78 and Sonia turned 12. We started celebrating on May 14,with Granny, continued with a huge party on the 15th with Sonia, and concluded on the 16th with Granny. Love Ya and keep "Doin You!"
Big Rob,
Good to hear your in good spirits, can't wait until u get back so we can crack open some crawfish and coronas.
Glad to hear you're ok and taking the best of each situation. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, it is priceless. If someday you feel lonely, just look up to the moon and be sure that at the same moment someone is thinking about you.
Take care my friend.
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