Are we addicted to bottled water? What did we do prior to bottled water being sold? Is it better for us than tap water?
In the United States, bottled water costs between $0.25 and $2 per bottle while tap water costs less than US$0.01. In 1999, according to a NRDC study, U.S. consumers paid between 240 and 10,000 times more per unit volume for bottled water than for tap water. Typically 90 percent or more of the cost paid by bottled water consumers goes to things other than the water itself -- bottling, packaging, shipping, marketing, retailing, other expenses, and profit. What are your thoughts and opinions? I will discuss the bottled water story for military forces in Afghanistan. It may change your mind about bottled water!!!

hello bob, in fact in France we drink only wine and we are not concerned by this problem ;) (I hope you recevied the small box I send to you!!!!)
to return to the discussion: the problem is very simple, what did you choose? you or hearth? A very simple choise, your way of life or you think about the futur and say stop! And drink tap water.
see you soon BAM
Bottled water is mostly a scam. It's often little more than bottled TAP water. But it gives people a sense of security, and it offers convenience. Plus, it helps fill our garbage landfills, especially when people recap the bottles so they won't compress. And how many full, unopened bottles get thrown away entering airport security, only to buy another bottle after you're past the checkpoint?!?
My stomach is my water bottle.
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