My journey in Afghanistan has been amazing. There were good times and bad times. There were bad smells and good ones. I must say that I have experienced more bad ones than good. Yes… 6 months without the scent of flowers, perfume in the air as someone passed by in the hallways, or amazing smell of freshly cooked food; fish, steak, etc. Most of what my nose encountered was less than desirable. Nevertheless, life is good.
By far the infamous “Poo Pond” or as the French might say “Lac du Merde”, tops the all time list of worst smells imaginable.
The scent of fresh “Poo” is very distinguishable. It is described by many as combination of a toxic waste dump and restroom that you would immediately walk out of and return back to it in one or two hours, or locate an alternative toilet if at all possible.
The signature photo of ones stay at Kandahar Airfield (KAF) is a photo of the “Poo Pond” in the background. It is as famous to the precious few inhabitants of KAF as a photograph of oneself in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Statue of Liberty in New York City.
It is rumored that a Marine since decided to engage in a swim across the infamous pond. Whether or not this is true, I wonder.
While, this photo is evidence that I engaged in a brief stay in the bio-hazardous pond of KAF, or is it?
While, this photo is evidence that I engaged in a brief stay in the bio-hazardous pond of KAF, or is it?
Was Rob in the pond or photo shopped into it? You look and decide for yourself. My roommate is a computer geek!
With love from KAF, only 2 weeks remaining. What will I do without the notorious aroma of the Poo Pond?
What will I do?